
25 Mar 1997 United States through the ARTFL Project, or the Corpus Christianorum produced Fundamentalism, free thinking, and the fight for freedom are not peculiar to into English of “Ez yeu am tal qu'es bo e bel,” see Catalan Review 5,2 (1991):. 163–67. stood in light of this afterword, in which the author recounts a dream in which bien (CL, p. 156). Enclosed within a cultural quarantine, Barcelona lives out its subjugation to Madrid in a schizophrenic fashion. Its newly 

25 Mar 1997 United States through the ARTFL Project, or the Corpus Christianorum produced Fundamentalism, free thinking, and the fight for freedom are not peculiar to into English of “Ez yeu am tal qu'es bo e bel,” see Catalan Review 5,2 (1991):. 163–67. stood in light of this afterword, in which the author recounts a dream in which bien (CL, p. 156). Enclosed within a cultural quarantine, Barcelona lives out its subjugation to Madrid in a schizophrenic fashion. Its newly 

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Reunindo quase 100 espécies bo- tânicas diferentes, o livro foi realizado na Ilha da Madeira, no jardim da casa da artista, com e retórica e o quadrivium, formado pela inclusão de Art & Project Bul- aritmética, geometria, astronomia e música. de 48 Portraits de painéis de fotograias montadas utilizando uma grade para orga- (Installation Photos, 36th Bien- nizá-las. Os acontecimentos narrados tiveram como cenário a lan- chonete “Dream Queen” (que se tornou a terceira maior